Tuesday, August 27, 2013

MethLab Artist News & Release Update // MethLab Summer Mix Series

Well, we've attended some blinding festivals this year - Boomtown, Fusion, Festival Nowa Musyka to mention some - and had our brains musically splattered across various fields around Europe. We hope that you've all had an awesome time so far, and that there's still a little life in the old beast of Summer yet....

But looking at recent times and into the future, there is an awesome array of releases to enjoy from MethLab artists - all of whom are bookable for the Autumn / Winter months....

//    Current Value - Stay on This Planet

Dropping on 2nd September, this creature is full of the kind of experimental percussion that everyone knows and loves from Current Value. 'Stay on This Planet' looks to cement his status as one of DnB's leading crossover artists; unfraid to foray into unknown territories, as well as unleash his staple sounds. 

Current Value will be touring Australia and Japan between 8th November - 2nd December. But we're open for bookings in October / December as part of the European side of the tour - so get in touch asap about that if you're interested.

To whet your appetite, check out the latest Subcast, featuring tracks from the new album!

//    Plaster - Monad XV

Out now! Plaster's unique brand of darkly textural Techno sits right at home in the Stroboscopic Artefacts camp. With this release series seeing the likes of Tommy Four Seven, Dadub, and Kangding Ray - all of whom are notorious in the experimental Techno scene for very good reasons. This release sees the pair tighten their ambience into four tracks of tight and exploratory Techno, which is set to blend so perfectly with their unique live show visuals. 
Following a brief tour in Taipei at the end of September, they will be available for gigs in both Europe and Australia. Get in touch with jef@methlab-agency.com for more info.

Check out one of the tracks in full along with a fan-made video below!

//    MethLab Summer Mix Series - The Teknoist

Finally the meat towards the end of the blog - the latest instalment of the MethLab Summer mix series. We have just a few more in our series left before the end of the Summer... this one will tear your nuts off...

TANK ALLIGATOR… Sounds like some fucking hefty killing machine right? Well that is what it does sounds like. A monster perhaps part mecha warship and part prehistoric immortal killing machine. This is obviously a creation of The Teknoist. His new solo album of said title has just been signed to perhaps the most influential hardcore label of all time, INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH RECORDS and is going to be appearing for war very soon.

While your waiting for this to be available, we at MethLab have a summer core mix from Miike, aptly titled ‘Kick Drum Sledgehammer’. It features a couple of tracks from the new album and a whole heap of brand new material from his friends around the globe.

As if that wasn’t enough, don’t forget that Miike’s Core label, Niinja Columbo has just released it’s latest ep also (featuring MethLab artists Dr.Bastardo and Ladyscraper). Available at the hardstore, beatport and all good stockists.

Miike is looking for as many shows as possible from now leading up to the release and around it and if you have ever seen and heard Miike’s DJ/Live shows, you’ll know that you want to get on to him asap. Especially with this brand new audio artillery.

//    Enduser European Tour

Enduser's European tour is now filled up for September, but we have just a few dates available in October - to bring the breakbeat surgeon to your city, contact - ash@methlab-agency.com

//    Hecq - Horror Vacui

(not the original album artwork)

Legend of diverse audio, from ambiently serene to intricately brutal - Hecq - has a new release coming out in September. Horror Vacui will be unleashed on the long-running and much respect-worthy 'Hymen' records and comprises a number of unreleased gems from the past 10 years, including an incredible remix from Subdivision and MethLab's Dean Rodell... With an aptly fitting name - 'Horror Vacui' means the 'fear of empty space'... resulting in filling up a piece of artwork so completely that no space is left. We believe, reference to Ben Boysen's attention to detail at a microlevel with his music, even if the filling of the space is with moments of negative space.  This is a totemic compilation of truly excellent music, and is a must buy for anyone who possesses ears. Listen for yourself in the minimix that Hecq has pulled together masterfully below -

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